Drew Aviation Research Initiative for University Students

Rooftop helipad, Brazil, (c) Alex de Voogt

Research possibilities

If you are interested to participate in aviation research at Drew University, please, contact one of the directors listed below:

  • You are welcome to enroll in PSYC/BST 333, Aviation Psychology and Management, regularly taught by Alex de Voogt
  • You are encouraged to conduct an independent study, become a research assistant, or propose a honor’s thesis project on aviation-related research
Wingseat view


Prof. Hilary Kalagher

Department of Psychology https://www.drew.edu/psychology-department/about-us/our-faculty/

973-408-3972, hkalagher (at) drew.edu

Van Berkel seaplane, 1920s, The Netherlands

Publications related to research projects completed at Drew University:

  • de Voogt, A., Louteiro, K. Nose-over and nose-down accidents in General Aviation: Tailwheels and aging airplanes. Safety 2024, 10, 39. (Open access) https://doi.org/10.3390/safety10020039
  • de Voogt, A., Campos, A., Lu, Y. Amphibious airplane accidents: An exploratory analysis. Applied Sciences (Basel) 2023, 13, 12224. (Open access) https://doi.org/10.3390/app132212224
  • de Voogt, A., Brause, J. A regional approach to aviation accidents in Hawaii. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2023, 94(3), 131–134. https://doi.org/10.3357/AMHP.6133.2023
  • de Voogt, A., Nero, K. Technical failures in helicopters: Non-powerplant-related accidents. Safety 2023, 9, 10. (Open access) https://doi.org/10.3390/safety9010010
  • Kalagher, H., de Voogt, A. Loss of Visual Reference in U.S. Aviation: An Analysis of 129 accidents. Safety 2022, 8(13). (Open access) https://doi.org/10.3390/safety8010013
  • de Voogt, A., Kalagher, H., Santiago, B., Lang, J.W.B. Go-arounds accidents and General Aviation safety. Journal of Safety Research 2022, 82, 323–328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsr.2022.06.008
  • de Voogt, A., Kalagher, H., Burns, S. General Aviation accidents involving fixed-wing aircraft on the ground. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2022, 93(7): 597–600.
  • de Voogt, A., Hummel Hohl, C., Kalagher, H. Aviation accidents during sightseeing. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2022, 93(6): 532–535. https://doi.org/10.3357/AMHP.6000.2022.
  • de Voogt, A., St Amour, E. Safety of twin-engine helicopters: risks and operational specificity. Safety Science 2021, 136, 105169; https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105169
  • Kalagher, H., de Voogt, A. Children and infants in general aviation accidents. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2021, 92(5), 1–6; https://www.doi.org/10.3357/AMHP.5700.2021
  • Kalagher, H., Boulter, C., de Voogt, A. Situational Awareness and General Aviation Accidents: An Analysis of 94 US Accident Reports. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors 2021; https://doi.org/10.1027/2192-0923/a000207
  • de Voogt, A., Hummel Hohl, C., Kalagher, H. Accidents with helicopters on the ground: fatality and operational specificity. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2021, 92(7), 593–596. https://doi.org/10.3357/AMHP.5801.2021
  • Kalagher, H. Fuel Planning Errors in General Aviation From 2015 to 2020. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2021, 92(12): 970–974. htpps://doi.org/10.3357/AMHP.5944.2021
  • de Voogt, A., Kalagher, H., Diamond, A. Helicopter pilots encountering fog: an analysis of 109 accidents from 1992 to 2016. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 994. (Open access) https://www.doi.org/10.3390/atmos11090994.

Jaguaré Helidrome, Brazil, (c) Alex de Voogt


Prof. Alex de Voogt

Department of Business https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alex_De_Voogt

973-408-4875, adevoogt (at) drew.edu

“Delight is as the flight—

Or in the Ratio of it,

As the Schools would say—”

Emily Dickinson, 1862

This initiative brings together students from Business, Psychology and/or Data Analytics who are interested in contributing to Aviation Studies with research primarily focused on safety.

The aim of this initiative is threefold:

  1. Provide research experience through a collaboration between students and faculty
  2. Publish peer-reviewed articles, ideally co-authored by students
  3. Advance insight and interest in aviation safety

The activities of the students may consist of the following:

  1. Identify promising research questions using NTSB and other online databases
  2. Data process sets of accidents and conduct basic statistical analyses
  3. Write (parts of) articles